Chand Bagh: Three month pregnant woman brutally beaten by Delhi Police mob
Photo Credit: Avinash Giri |
Victim, Rubina Bano |
Video Source: Deccan Today News
Event Date: February 26, 2020
Event Location: Chand Bagh, Road number 3, East Delhi
Victim: Rubina Bano resident of Chand Bagh, East Delhi
Suspects: Anuj Kumar, Assistant Commissioner of Gokulpuri Police
Tarkeshwar Singh, Station House Officer
Delhi Police Force
Anuj Kumar, Assistant Commissioner of Gokulpuri Police |
Arrests: N
First Incident Report: Denied ability to file
Case Update: All complaints made by the victim have been denied by the Delhi Police and no first incident report has been filed.
Victim Statement: “I told them I’m pregnant,” said Bano, "but they (Delhi Police) didn't listen and kept beating me until I fell unconscious."
1. February 26, 2020, First Post
2. February 25, 2020, Just Dial
3. February 25, 2020, News Walaa
4. February 27, 2020, The Swaddle
5. February 28, 2020, News 18
6. June 24, 2020, Muslim Mirror
7. February 26, 2020, MSN
8. February 28, 2020, Dawn
9. February 27, 2020, KFGO
10. March 1, 2020, Religion Unplugged
11. February 27, 2020, Reuters