Delhi rioters boast about muslim killing spree: 'I colored my sword red'

Riots in New Delhi, India 

Delhi rioter, Nishant Kumar, proudly claims he was acting in retaliation when he killed three Muslim men during the New Delhi riots.

Event date: February 25, 2020

Location: Karawal Nagar, North East Delhi

Officials Accountable:
   Shashi Kaushal, Shrimati Deputy Commissioner of North East Delhi
                                         Shri M.K. Dwivedi, Additonal District Magistrate
                                         Shri Devendra Kumar Upadhayay, Sub Divisional Magistrate

Suspects: Nishant Kumar

  1. March 4, 2020, The
  2. March 4, 2020, Times Headline
  3. March 6, 2020, The Express Tribune
  4. March 4, 2020, ProperGaanda

#Delhi #Riots #Muslim #Hindu #Killed #UP #Violence #Police #Death #Communal